Philip Harvey - Director/Financial Planner

Philip Harvey

About me

Authorised Representative No 1263042

I love working with busy professional families and helping them get their finances on the right track so they are free to live their ideal life.

Twelve years ago, I was a busy professional with a young family, my wife worked, we had an investment property, and I was in a ‘good’ super fund. While we had lofty ambitions, we didn’t really have any direction in terms of where our family finances were heading.

We went to see three different financial advisers, and to say we were underwhelmed by all of them is an understatement.

  • In all cases, their employer owned the investment products they recommended, and in one case they wanted us to buy an investment property and they just happened to have one that was perfect for us
  • There seemed to be a much bigger focus on selling us the investment and insurance products rather than making sure we had the right strategy
  • Our fees were going to increase as we saved more money, even though they didn’t have to do any additional work.

After a bit more research, I realised that this is how most people in the financial advice industry worked. This thought was soon validated through the Banking Royal Commission, where we saw many of the large organisations have to repay billions back to their clients for services they charged for but never delivered.

I was looking for a careers change, so in 2012 I went back to university and completed my Masters in Financial Planning.

My focus now is helping people like I was 12 years ago.

I provide personal financial advice that helps busy professionals achieve their lifestyle goals by giving them control of their finances and helping them make the most of it. Some of the areas I help people with are:

  • Improving their cashflow so they have more money to spend on what is important
  • Having investments outside super so they can retire early
  • Getting more into super so they can have the retirement of their dreams
  • Paying less tax so they only have to pay what is fair
  • Protecting their family through the right insurance and estate plans

Being independent, I have no restrictions on which products I can recommend. I am not limited by the need to make commissions, and I don’t have any sales targets I need to meet.

I was awarded the Master of Applied Finance (Financial Planning) in 2016 and am a founding member of the Profession of Independent Financial Advisers.

Away from the office I enjoy all sports, cooking (and eating!!), and spending time with my family. Weekends are often spent running our kids to different sporting events and our down time is spent either in our garden, camping, or going to the beach.

My areas of expertise

The main areas I specialise in are goal setting and tracking, superannuation (including self managed super funds), investment advice, personal insurance, and retirement planning.

My work history

I have had two other significant careers, both of which have helped shape my approach to financial planning. The first was about 12 years in the Australian wool industry where I was responsible for buying, processing and exporting about $150m of Australian wool. This gave me a great understanding of markets and the need to manage risks, as well as dealing with a broad range of people.

My second career was in the Australian Public Service. This gave me an appreciation of what goes into Government decision making and managing a broad range of people.

Fiona Doyle

Director/Business Adviser

I am a business adviser and marketing specialist, with over 20 years’ experience in senior management and marketing for multinational, not-for-profit and small businesses. My role is to help small businesses grow and be more efficient.

I have a Bachelor of International Marketing and Languages.

In the past 10 years, I have set up and managed the offices for two not-for-profit organisations. In these roles, sI was responsible for all aspects of the organisation’s operations including managing communications, finance, and ensuring compliance with all legal and tax requirements.

Outside of work, I love travelling, being creative and spending time with family.