Happy New Year! Last year was good, but here’s to hoping this year will be the best one yet.
While 2024 was a good year, it could have been better.
By the end of the year, I felt burnt out. My energy levels were falling – as a result I ate too much. I was struggling to get through everything – as a result I didn’t make enough time for exercising. I focussed on work too much and didn’t spend enough time with my family.
If I’m honest, I wasn’t really being the person I wanted to be.
The Christmas break couldn’t come fast enough.
Now to change it. There are two ways to approach change.
Plan how I am going to achieve my goals
The first is to set goals and then develop the plan for how to get there. This is common advice.
I am planning a pretty big year. On a personal level, I want to lose weight, have more energy and build up strength, and be able to spend more time with my family without feeling guilty.

From a business perspective, I want to continue helping more people take control of their lives. I want to continue growing our business and make it more profitable. I want to create an environment where we can take more time out. Go on more holidays!
I have a pretty good idea what I need to do for each of these goals.
Write them down, be specific, have a bunch of actions I need to take, be able to measure my progress, and put in place some rewards (or consequences if I don’t reach them!).
By the end of the year, assuming I achieve my goals, I will have demonstrated I have focus, discipline, knowledge and control.
The funny thing is, I have most of these things in me now, I am just choosing not to use them to their fullest.
Behave like the person I want to become
The second approach, and the one I am going to implement this year, is to be the person I would like to become. Set my own standards and live by them.
Reflecting on my goals for the year, instead of dieting I will eat like someone who is 10kg lighter than what I am now. I will dress like them. I will exercise like someone who has more energy and strength than what I have now. If I do these things, I can’t help but achieve my goals.
I won’t just think about spending more time with family. I will actually make more time for them and book in time for holidays.
Instead of working harder in the business with longer and longer hours, I will behave like someone that is actively growing it. I will hire more staff. I will delegate better. I will actively promote the business. I will find a mentor that has achieved what we want to achieve and learn from them.
I will become who I want to be. I urge you to do so too.
We specialise in helping busy professionals and executives grow and protect their wealth so they can live their ideal life. If you would like to discuss how you could benefit from independent financial advice, book a chat via the button below or contact us at 02 6269 3339 or team@constructwealth.com.au. Look forward to hearing from you soon!
About the Author
Phil Harvey is an independent financial adviser. In 2017 Phil set up his company Construct Wealth to help clients best manage their finances so they focus on what is important to them. He is a founding member of the Profession of Independent Financial Advisers and a tax financial adviser, registered with the Tax Practitioners Board.
General Advice Warning
This advice contains general information. It may not be suitable to you because it does not consider your personal circumstances. Phil Harvey and Construct Wealth are authorised representatives of Independent Financial Advisers Australia (AFSL 464629)
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