We provide independent financial advice on super to ensure it is working for you. Our advice helps you maximise your retirement income and minimise the fees.
Superannuation is often one of the most neglected aspects of people’s portfolio. For employees, it is compulsory that their employer contributes at least 9.5% of their income. However, for self-employed people, it is optional.
Super is one of the most tax effective ways of saving for retirement and should be the cornerstone of most people’s investment plan.
It is super by name and even more super by nature. However, most people don’t pay it enough attention. Small changes can increase your retirement balance by $200,000 or more.
There are three types of super fund: retail funds, industry funds and self-managed superannuation funds. Different clients are suited to one or more of these types, and sometimes it makes sense to use more than one of them. When we provide financial advice on your super, we help you select the best type of fund for you and the right investment option.
If you decide to manage your own super (a ‘self-managed super fund,’ or SMSF), we can assist with all facets of establishing and maintaining this fund.
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